THE END. Thank goodness! It had been quite the experience. I'm not positive it is an experience that I will ever repeat. For KidsClothingWeek we are challenged to spend an hour every day sewing for our kiddagers. I was kind of excited to put that much time into sewing. In an average week I most likely get to sew on Tuesday, maybe Thursday, and occasionally a Friday.
Turns out, my usual really works for me. It's a happy balance of sewing and real life. Working on this project every single day did speed things up but it also totally burnt me out. If I didn't have two very specific goals for this outfit (KCW and PRP) I would have thrown in the towel days ago.
This also taught me that the sewing is what drives me. It is the actual act of putting things together and making something new and wearable, something that others really seem to like. That's what I love. While it is fun to do the random details like bleaching a few stars or painting on the fabric, I do not enjoy having the entire project revolve around that. It was 5 DAYS of prep work before I finally got to sew. That is just too much in my book.
Kids Clothing Week is a seasonal thing, happening four times a year and at this point I am fairly certain I don't want to participate again. Maybe a couple months will go by and the "forget hormones" will set in, you know? The ones that allow mothers to give birth multiple times with out remembering the real pain of the previous time? Anyway, maybe those will set in and I'll think it is a good idea again. Maybe if I kept it strictly to sewing... We'll see. Haha. Have a good one my friends. I'll be back tomorrow with my weekly recap. See you soon! Never miss another post!