Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Big Ideas

So here it is. You all can thank Emily for this. I'm trying again to get this blog up and running. I'll tell you now, it's going to be sporadic and probably wont follow one theme (sewing) I have lots of ideas for myself and I hope fore this blog to encompass all of them.

1. More Pictures,
I want to take more real pictures. There's so much on my phone and its just not the same! This goal amuses me because it's not very original. Twenty years ago people were challenging themselves to take more pictures now its take more with a real camera. (This bodes well for continued bloggage :))

2. Do More w/My Kids without Doing More
I need to get my head on straight when it comes to spending time with my kids. I don't need to focus on elaborate activities to make memories with them. I need to just BE with them in that moment; not messing with my phone, not day dreaming or surfing the internet. They just want me to pay attention to them and listen to them. Lorelai asks all the time for girls nights. We will do more of those.

3. More Dates w/Brett- We are two hotties that are still madly in love. We deserve to get out more.

4. Less T.V.
Ugh. T.V. is my default and I want to break it. There are so many other things I'd rather be doing.

5. Get Organized
It's ridiculous, really. My stress level seems to be directly related to how much my living room needs to be vacuumed. So why am I not more motivated to keep it up. When the kids room is clean they much prefer to play in there, not destroying my clean living room or asking to watch T.V. So why can't I keep it up? Honestly it baffles me. This is a turning point. These things will be a priority. Thankfully I've started off this new year with a clean slate. Go me. Let's keep it up!

6. More Crafting! 
Sewing makes me feel good. When I finish something I feel accomplished. I like challenging myself and coming out on top. Not many things make me happier than being able to make something come out exactly as I pictured it in my head. I find knitting/crocheting relaxing and much prefer doing that while watching a show then just sitting there. My goal is to get a little crafting/sewing in per day. It makes me feel so good I should try harder to include it.
Want to know about my current projects?
   A. Things I've Started
       a. Catvent- I'm so behind the times I know but I loved Emily's so much I decided I need to do my own. I'm glad too because I clearly need the practice in piecing and quilting in general.
       b. Cable Sweater Vest- For Kent. I actually started this sweater for Kent a year ago and never finished it. I can't remember why, maybe I got burnt out? Anyway I've measured him and he is two whole sizes bigger! So I scratched the original and have started over. That was yesterdays bit of craftiness. Maybe I'll give you a bit of photographic update on that soon.
   B. Things I'll be Starting Soon
      a. A New Dress for Lorelai- She just keeps growing! So for her birthday I will be making her a new dress and a matching one fer her American Girl Gracie.
      b. Doll Bedding- Also for for Lorelai's birthday I'm having Brett make bunk beds for the AG dolls so OF COURSE I'll be sewing up some adorable bedding for them. I'm really excited about this. Haha, such a nerd.
      c. Hopefully when Camelot Fabrics releases their DC Comics line this March I'll be working on quilts for Kent and Lorelai's beds.
      d. Secret Project I Haven't Committed To- Sorry, that's all the info I've got on that for now.

7. Keep Up w/My Extensive Reading-
I feel really good about all the books I got through this last year. I traveled through so many wonderful worlds and met some great, and some really stupid, people. I love that Brett and I share a love of all the stories and I love my book group! Last year I slightly exceeded my goal of 50 books in a year so I am upping it to 65! Ah! I'm a crazy person!

And last but not least,
8. Get Healthier-
Because this year I'm going to be so crafty I'm making another human. More on that front in a couple of weeks.

SO what do you think? That should be enough to be getting on with right? I'm excited, It's going to be a great year!

1 comment:

  1. whoot whoot!
    can't wait to see how your catvent finishes up.
    and the lorelai birthday stuff.
    and everything else in between.
    and that growing baby thing too. that's uber exciting.
