Wanna know what came in the mail the other day that was so gorgeous and so exciting? Wanna know all about the serger foot that I was going crazy waiting for? Well here it is!
I call it Candy Corn, isn't it gorgeous? I don't think the picture totally captures the awesome, if only Emily lived closer :P
I received inspiration the other day in Sacrament Meeting. I'm not entirely sure why it popped into my head just then but it did so I was going to make one for Lorelai and one for Bekah. But I just couldn't reign in the joy. I'm making at least 9 for the craft show we are doing on the 3rd.
I will also be making some shirts to go with these to sell at the fair. Black with candy corn painted on them. Cute? Brett and I sure think so.
I got these bows for Lorelai to wear. Gorgeous yes?
And there you have it. That's what I have been plotting and scheming about. Love it.