Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 14 Recap 2014 (KCW1)

Last week I managed to squeeze in some sewing which is good but I felt like I kept running into stupid road blocks. I'm starting to feel the time crunch. Since there isn't much to report lets dive right into Kids Clothing Week...

Welcome to the first day of Kids Clothing Week where we are challenged to spend an hour each day working on kids clothes. This week I am going to be super busy. Lorelai is off track and next week we'll be going to Idaho for a wedding and I've got to get the lot of us ready for that.

So I decided do KCW a couple of weeks ago and I am reporting it all now.

Normally I only don't get to sew every day, usually only about twice a week so this is a big challenge for me. When I get on a sewing kick I tend to let everything else fall by the wayside. So I added another challenge, I promised myself to complete one chore before getting started with my sewing day.

Today's Chore: The kitchen.

I have a bad habit. During the week I keep up with the dishes swimmingly but when it comes to Saturday and Sunday I let it slide in favor of hang out time with the fam. There is something about having the hubby home that makes me super lazy, haha. So every Monday morning I'm faced with a sink full of work.
I was super tempted to let it slide, I'm ready to start a new project and I just wanted to get right to it! But I was strong, and I'm glad. I love having a clear conscience while I'm sewing. 'Cause when the hubby comes home..
"Have you been sewing all day....." (note the judgemental undertones)
"Yes, but look at that kitchen. It's amazeballs."
Yup, feels good.
Today was really a prep day. I pretty much spent my time gathering the supplies that I already own and figuring out what I need to pick up.
Then I realized I needed to redraft the t-shirt patterns I wanted to use. So I did that and cut it out.
I spent about 45 minutes hunting things down and pattern drafting. Another few minutes was spent on the material cutting and then it was time to clean up this mess.
Haha, not much to show for myself today but I promise there will be more tomorrow! See you then.

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