I don't think I like evening races. I feel like I spent the entire day just anticipating the race and wishing time would speed up. I've only done one other night race but I think I can safely say I prefer just getting up in the morning and getting it done.
This race was also a little obnoxious because if you pre-registered online, as we did, you couldn't pick up your packet until just before the race.
So, after waiting around all day Brett and I dropped the kids off at a friends house and made it to the venue an hour before the race. Thank goodness registration and the post race party were inside the school next door because it was 26 degrees out and felt much worse. We picked up our packets and hung out indoors as long as we possibly could.
We made our way down to the start line 15 minutes before the start and jogged around. Not because we are serious runners but because it was that cold. I checked the temp 10 min before the race 23?! Ugh as night fell it just kept dropping, I didn't check again after the race but I can assure you it only got colder.
I was very thrilled that Brett and I were able to run the entire race. We only started running a month ago and I was a little nervous that we hadn't built up enough endurance. We were super frustrated that a couple that kept taking walk breaks kept passing us and falling behind and passing us until they burst out at the end and finished 20s before us? That always drives me a little nuts when I'm working my bum off to run the whole way.
Oh well! We ran the whole way and finished at 36:45! Only 45s off my main goal and a 11:49 mile. I am totally cool with that and excited to train towards our next race.
Over all it was a great experience. I don't know that I would sign up again next year, probably not until I forget just how cold it was or I am living in a warmer climate (That would be AwEsomE!)
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I hope to get in some sewing, napping, and we have a 3.5 mile run on the books tonight :)
What are your weekend plans?
ack. i did that 5k night run, and i totally feel you on waiting around all day. i much preferred the morning 5k i did, and then had the rest of the day left. though i REALLY can't imagine doing a night 5k where you're at. ha!